24 February 2008

Muffins: An SI Unit of Boredom.

Finally an SI unit for the measuring of boredom has been accepted worldwide.

The now widely hailed ‘Unit of Boredom’ was first created by a research assistant in “Le Medo Funshiea” University in Paris. On Friday Jean-Claude Killeen explained in a sit down session with reporters:

“It has often troubled me as a member of the uhh scientific community that we had no standard method of measuring boredom. But one day I was collating results of tests the brain functions of a (control) group of ehhh… how you say: dead monkeys, when it suddenly struck me that I desperately wanted a muffin.
I mulled it over for a little while and decided that my test results could uhhh wait while I refreshed myself.
While on my way to the ‘Lesbialoue Du Pla’’ (a popular local alternative cafĂ©) I began to ponder my choice of uhh… how you say: snacks. It seemed to me, that when I was hungry I ordered real food, when I was craving sugar I had a choclate bar, when I needed energy I would buy an energy bar and a drink; but when I was just bored I always wanted a muffin.
When I arrived at ‘Lesbialoue Du Pla’’ I asked a few of the other customers. Most of them we’re IT uhhh professionals, who claimed they were out eating muffins because their ehh code was uhm what’s-the-word? Ah yes: compiling.
I know enough to know… they’re just bored.”

Killeen continued to drone on to the associated press for several hours, detailing the exhaustive processes of standardisation, physical and psychiatric analysis that muffins underwent before being adopted as the standard measurement of boredom.

A major hold up occurred when the researchers discovered that some people could prevent themselves from eating while bored using a method of called “Will Power” which has apparently been practised for centuries by a small tribe in the Andes.
But soon a breakthrough was achieved. “We soon discovered that we could gage the amount of muffins a person would eat in a world where money and health are no object – like when you’re burning through a research grant.” said one professor in a related field.

Now the world has come to accept a new standard for boredom, which is sweeping the scientific community like a dangerous firestorm hell bent on world drestruction and draconian lunacy.

-Rory Glynn, Senior Tech. Corrispondent